President's Day

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Northanger Abbey Review

Although it wasn’t published until after she died, Northanger Abbey was the first novel Austen wrote and finished. It is certainly not on the same level as her masterpieces, Pride and Prejudice and Emma, but it is not without its own merit. For one, Austen’s prose and elegant writing are always a draw, and that is on full display in her first novel. Second, while the book is lighter in terms of story and themes, it is a joy to read. The heroine, Catherine, is unlike Austen’s other protagonists. She is much more simple, naive, and rather artless in the way she reacts to the world around her. This is due to an overactive imagination. Catherine is a voracious reader and has come to see the world through the lens of the gothic novels she consumes. This leads to some embarrassing moments for Catherine as she lets her imagination run wild with explanations as if she were living in one of her novels. 

If you want a light read but to still enjoy the elegant words of a great writer, I recommend this book. And if you’re like me and you like to explore the early works of authors you adore to see their genius budding before it’s in full bloom, this is exactly that. 

Review by Andrew

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